Session: 102nd General Assembly
Year: 2022
Bill #: HB4818
Category: Public Safety and Law Enforcement
Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

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Provides that the disposal by incineration of any toxic release, perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substance, including, but not limited to, aqueous film forming foam, is prohibited. Provides that nothing in the amendatory provisions applies to (i) the combustion of landfill gas from the decomposition of waste that may contain PFAS at a permitted sanitary landfill or (ii) the combustion of landfill gas in a landfill gas recovery facility that is located at a sanitary landfill. The prohibition on the disposal of TRI-PFAS by incineration does not apply to the incineration of waste at a permitted hospital, medical, and infectious waste incinerator that meets the requirements of specified federal provisions or the Board-adopted State Plan requirements for hospital, medical, and infectious waste incinerators, as applicable, or to the incineration of sludges, biosolids, or other solids or by-products generated at or by a municipal wastewater treatment plant or facility.

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