Session: 103rd General Assembly
Year: 2023
Bill #: HB1168
Category: Public Safety and Law Enforcement
Position: Under Review
Mandate? No
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption? Yes

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Amends the Genetic Information Privacy Act. Provides that in accordance with the Sexual Assault Evidence Submission Act, genetic information derived from reference specimens of DNA from: (1) a victim of a sexual assault crime or alleged sexual assault crime; (2) known reference samples of DNA from any individual that were voluntarily provided for the purpose of exclusion: and (3) any profiles developed from those samples, may be used only for purposes directly related to the investigation of the sexual assault crime or alleged sexual assault crime through which the victim's genetic information was obtained. Amends the Sexual Assault Evidence Submission Act. Establishes procedures for the use by law enforcement of known reference specimens of DNA from a victim of a sexual assault crime or alleged sexual assault crime, and to known reference samples of DNA from any individual that were voluntarily provided for the purpose of exclusion, and to any profiles developed from those samples. Adds various definitions to the Act.

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