Session: 102nd General Assembly
Year: 2021
Bill #: SB3166
Category: Public Health, Hospital Facilities and Nursing Homes
Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

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Amends the University of Illinois Hospital Act, the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act, the Community Living Facilities Licensing Act, the Life Care Facilities Act, the Nursing Home Care Act, the MC/DD Act, the ID/DD Community Care Act, and the Hospital Licensing Act. Provides that hospitals, establishments, or facilities organized or licensed under the Acts shall ensure that specified employees of the hospital, establishment, or facility are made aware of employee assistance programs or other like programs available for the physical and mental well-being of the employees. Requires hospitals, establishments, or facilities to provide information on these programs, no less than at the time of employment and during any benefit open enrollment period, by an information form about the respective programs that an employee must sign during onboarding at the hospital. Contains other provisions.

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