Session: 102nd General Assembly
Year: 2021
Bill #: HB3205
Category: Miscellaneous
Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

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Creates the Fair Food and Retail Delivery Act. Prohibits a third-party delivery service from using the likeness, registered trademark, or intellectual property belonging to a merchant, and from taking or arranging for the pickup or delivery of an order from a merchant through the digital network, without first obtaining written consent from the merchant. Provides that a merchant whose likeness is used, or pickup or delivery is arranged through a third-party delivery service in violation of the Act, may bring an action in the circuit court in the county in which the merchant conducts business to recover actual damages or up to $5,000, whichever is greater. Provides that the court may, in its discretion, award punitive damages and other equitable relief it deems appropriate.

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