This week’s Illinois State Association of Counties (ISACo) News and Views e-newsletter includes an update on the remaining session schedule, links to ISACo-tracked bills approved by both chambers last week and tracked bills scheduled for committee hearings this week, provides a legislative update on HB4489, calls on county officials to contact their state legislators to urge support for an increase to LGDF revenue for counties, reports on the investment of water infrastructure loans to local governments and water districts in the state, reports on the employment rates for the month of April, shares information on a Capitol Program Grant Opportunity, shares what ISACo staff is reading to stay informed, provides current CD and Treasury Rates via ISACo corporate partner IPRIME, makes county officials aware of a Local Officials Appreciation Picnic event that will be hosted by the Illinois State Treasurer's Office during the upcoming 2024 Illinois State Fair, announces upcoming National Association of Counties (NACo) webinar opportunities, highlights ISACo corporate partner Mahoney, Silverman and Cross, LLC and invites counties to join ISACo.
Remaining Session Schedule
This is the last full week of scheduled session. The General Assembly is scheduled to adjourn on Friday, May 24. Additional session days (May 25-31) are included on the calendar as "budget hold days" for the event they are needed.
Bills Approved by Both Chambers
The following ISACo tracked bills* were approved by both chambers last week and will next be considered by the Governor:
HB 1168 - Sexual Assault Evidence (No Position)
HB 2323 - Uniform Crime Statistics Data (No Position)
HB 3886 - IDPH-Public Health Emergencies (No Position)
HB 4125 - Prop Tax-Certificate of Error (No Position)
HB 4255 - Veh Cd-Tow Truck Lights (No Position)
HB 4351 - Civ Pro-Process Servers (No Position)
HB 4359 - Fire Protection District-Funds (No Position)
HB 4590 - Animal Adoption-Fee Waiver (Support)
HB 4719 - Secure Choice Program-Plans (No Position)
HB 4848 - Veh Cd-Load Covers (No Position)
HB 4903 - Sch Cd-Air Quality Task Force (No Position)
HB 4921 - Home Equity Assurance-Loans (No Position)
HB 4993 - Vital Records-Death Notice (No Position)
HB 5084 - DHS-Pub Aid Eligibility Review (No Position)
HB 5085 - EMS Act Training & Curriculum (No Position)
HB 5095 - Nursing Home-Discharge (No Position)
HB 5128 - Em Telephone-Board Members (No Position)
HB 5138 - IDOT-Studies-Local Governments (Support)
HB 5166 - Elk Grove Fire Protection Dist (No Position)
HB 5258 - Ins-Dependent Parent Coverage (No Position)
HB 5287 - County Cd-Officer Stipends (No Position)
HB 5295 - Ins-Hormone Therapy-Menopause (No Position)
HB 5370 - Veh Cd-Emergency/Construction (Support)
HB 5546 - Julie-Positive Response System (No Position)
HB 5643 - Ins Cd-Pregnancy Tests (No Position)
SB 0773 - Insurance Mandate - Infertility Treatments (No Position)
SB 2654 - Veh Cd-Lien/Fine Exemption (No Position)
SB 2672 - Ins Cd-Generic Drug Shortage (No Position)
SB 2683 - Stalking No Contact-Tracking (No Position)
SB 2751 - Local-Disabled Vet Permit Fee (Oppose)
SB 2778 - Sheriff Dept-Veteran Exam (No Position)
SB 2798 - Land Transfer-Monroe, Kane Co (No Position)
SB 2859 - Prop Tx-Wastewater (No Position)
SB 3077 - Food Infrastructure-Grant (Support)
SB 3091 - IDNR-Land Transfer-Will Co (No Position)
SB 3110 - Sch Cd-Regional Board Vacancy (No Position)
SB 3134 - EMS-Statewide Suspension (No Position)
SB 3209 - Prop Tx-Charitable Exemption (No Position)
SB 3232 - Abandoned Infants-Hospitals (No Position)
SB 3279 - IEMA-Groundwater-Local (No Position)
SB 3350 - Fentanyl Test Strips (Support)
SB 3353 - Community-Based Cor Task Force (No Position)
Bills in Committee
The following ISACo-tracked bills are posted for possible committee hearings this week. If there is no position listed then the bill is still under review by staff. In some cases, initial ISACo positions may be changed in the future. A complete list of ISACo tracked bills is available via this link.
HB 4179 - Emergency Service Dist-Various (Support)
HB 4489 - Bike/Pedestrian Path Funding (ISACo Initiative)
HB 5028 - Labor-OSHA-Opioid Guidance (No Position)
HB 5086 - Nurse Agencies-Negligence (No Position)
HB 5089 - Labor Relations-Pd Supervisor (No Position)
HB 5142 - Pregnancy/Postpartum Care (No Position)
HB 5371 - Human Rights-Various (No Position)
SB 0333 - Assault Survivor Reporting (No Position)
SB 0694 - Recorder Division of County Code-Fees (Support)
SB 2371 - County Employee-Managerial (No Position)
SB 2651 - Counties-Preserve Landmarks (Support)
SB 2665 - OMA-Service Member Attendance (No Position)
SB 2744 - Ins-Vaccine Administration Fee (No Position)
SB 2906 - Home Rule County Use Tax Law (Support)
SB 2907 - Job Training Transparency (No Position)
SB 3208 - Wage Payment-Pay Stubs (Oppose)
SB 3305 - Dental Loss Ratio Act (No Position)
SB 3402 - Counties Cd/FPD Act-Ambulances (No Position)
SB 3597 - Counties Cd-Borrowing Money (Support)
SB 3649 - Employee Freedom of Speech (No Position)
SB 3723 - Nursing Facility-Residency (No Position)
*An ISACo tracked bill includes bills that directly or tangentially impact county finances and operations, bills that may be of interest to county officials for the performance of their duties and legislation presented "for your information." ISACo positions of "support" or "oppose" are usually reserved for bills that directly or tangentially impact county finances and operations. ISACo also supports member county initiatives that are consistent with ISACo's County Platform.
ISACo Legislative Agenda Bill Approved by House
HB4489 was approved by the Illinois House on Friday, May 17.
The bill is an ISACo initiative to expand opportunities for counties to receive state funding for bicycle and pedestrian ways associated with state transportation facility projects.
ISACo thanks Representative Suzanne Ness (D-Crystal Lake) for her sponsorship and efforts to win support for the bill. The bill will now head to the Senate for consideration.
To view HB 4489 on ISACo's Bill Tracking System, click here.
ISACo Joins Local Government Partners Advocating for LGDF Increase
As with previous years, ISACo is partnering within a coalition of local government associations in support of an increase to Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF) revenue. LGDF is the percentage of state income tax revenue shared with counties and municipalities on a per capita basis.
The most recent action taken by the LGDF Coalition is a joint letter asking state legislators to increase LGDF revenue in the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2025 state budget. ISACo President Matthew Prochaska is a signatory to the letter. The letter can be viewed by clicking on the image below.

ISACo requests that county officials contact their state legislators and urge support for an increase to LGDF revenue within the SFY 2025 state budget.
An ISACo Policy Brief with additional information about LGDF revenue is available via this link.
Nearly $205 Million Invested in Drinking Water and Wastewater Projects
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) Director John J. Kim announced the investment of nearly $205 million through water infrastructure loans to local governments and water districts for the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2024 (January - March 2024). The Illinois EPA State Revolving Fund (SRF) Program provides low-interest loans that fund wastewater, stormwater and drinking water projects. Of that investment, more than $20.6 million in loan forgiveness was provided to those recipients meeting the loan rules for either the Small Community Rate or Hardship Rate.
The press release is available via this link.
Illinois Payroll Jobs Up, Unemployment Rate Stable in April
The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced that the unemployment rate was unchanged at 4.8 percent, while non-farm payrolls increased +7,300 in April, based on preliminary data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and released by IDES. The March revised unemployment rate was 4.8 percent, unchanged from the preliminary March unemployment rate. The March monthly change in payrolls was revised from the preliminary report, from +12,700 to +10,000 jobs. The April unemployment rate and payroll jobs estimate reflect activity for the week, including the 12th.
The press release is available via this link.
2 Mosquito Batches to Test Positive in 2024 for West Nile Virus in Two Illinois Counties
On May 17, 2025, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) announced that it has confirmed the first two batches of mosquitoes to test positive in 2024 for West Nile virus in Illinois, one in Hoffman Estates in Cook County and one in Morgan County.
The specimen in Hoffman Estates was collected by the Northwest Mosquito Abatement District on May 14, 2024. A second batch to test positive was found on May 16, 2024, in Jacksonville, Morgan County. The confirmation of the first two mosquito batches follows a mild winter and spring and comes two weeks earlier than in 2023. IDPH recently reported that the first bird to test positive from West Nile virus was found on April 2, 2024, in Douglas County.
The press release is available via this link.
Grant Opportunity for Healthcare Transformation Capital Improvement Projects
The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) and the Illinois Capital Development Board (CDB) are announcing an unprecedented Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) as part of the Healthcare Transformation Capital Investment Grant program, which aims to provide funding to capital projects that will address health-related social needs and reduce disparities in healthcare in historically underserved communities.
This effort is a partnership between HFS and CDB, which will jointly award the funds to the selected awardees. There is a total of $200 million in funding available and the funding source is the Capital Development Fund. Any health care provider in Illinois, including hospitals licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act, that is enrolled as an eligible medical provider with HFS may be eligible to receive a Capital Program grant. The grant opportunity is limited to planned capital improvement expenses and costs for projects that are already in the construction phase are not eligible for reimbursement.
The press release is available via this link.
What We're Reading
Stateville May Close as Early as September Under Pritzker’s Prison Plan (Capitol News Illinois)
Can Vehicle Speed and Student Safety Ever be Compatible? (American City and County)
Governor Pritzker Awards $2.5 Million in Grant Funding to Economic Empowerment Centers Across Illinois (WMCI)
With 1 Week Left in Session, Pritzker Admin Says All Revenue Options Remain on the Table (Capitol News Illinois)
Current CD and Treasury Rates Provided by IPRIME
The following rates provided by ISACo corporate partner IPRIME are current as of May 20, 2024. Please click on the image below to review the rates.

Local Officials Appreciation Picnic Event at the Illinois State Fair
Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs is inviting county officials to the Local Officials Appreciation Picnic on August 17, 2024. Please click here to RSVP for this event.

Upcoming NACo Webinars
NACo has announced the following upcoming webinar opportunities. ISACo is a proud partner with NACo and encourages counties to participate in NACo membership and activities.
Beautifying Brownfields: An Unexpected Opportunity for Your Coal Community
(Thursday, May 23, 2024, 1:00pm-2:00pm CST)
Nearly two out of every three counties (64 percent) have an identified brownfield property. While brownfields properties are typically abandoned or blighted structures, they can also be a building block for revitalization. Join the BRECC National Network this May and learn how key federal resources can support innovative brownfield redevelopment projects in energy communities.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
2024’s Top Tech-Tonic Shifts in Local Government
(Thursday, May 30, 2024, 2:000m-2:45pm CST)
Industry insights to help you adapt to changing demographics, regulations, and more!
In this session, NACo will uncover research on the changes and trends affecting local governments. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of the transitions happening in 2024 and beyond. Secure your seat for this informative session to learn key insights for local governments around:
- ADA Compliance Laws
- Increased Use of AI (with examples)
- Generational shifts in employees and constituents
- And more!
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
How to Deliver a County AI Hackathon
(Friday, May 31, 2024, 11:00am-12:00pm CST)
One collaborative strategy in prioritizing and evaluating AI Use-Cases is to hold an AI Hackathon. During this webinar, you will hear from Alameda County, California, and King County, Washington, on how they have taken this approach. The concept, steps for preparing, and for delivering the Hackathon will be shared. Tips on how to engage partner and county wide staff will also be covered.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
Doing More with Less: Sustaining the County Government Workforce with Artificial Intelligence
(Thursday, June 6, 2024, 12:00pm-1:00pm CST)
Today’s county government landscape is at a pivotal juncture, with artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data technologies spearheading a revolutionary shift. A transformation is essential in an era where service delivery, technological advancements, and evolving workforce dynamics intersect. County governments face significant challenges, including a dwindling workforce due to retirements, competition for employees with the private sector, and a new generation seeking technologically savvy work environments. Amidst these challenges lies a critical question: How can county governments efficiently serve their communities with fewer resources while meeting the increasing expectations of today’s public?
In this webinar, attendees will learn how AI and modern technologies are not merely tools for keeping pace with change but are strategic imperatives for sustaining and empowering the county government workforce. By highlighting adoptions of AI, from accelerating document processing to reducing field inspection times, we will show the power of these technologies to enhance productivity and service delivery.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
Q2 Tech Xchange Focus Group: How Is Your IT Department Structured?
(Friday, June 7, 2024, 11:00am-12:00pm CST)
Counties come in all shapes and sizes. This is also true for their IT departments. Whether your IT is centralized, decentralized or a hybrid, join us for a lively discussion that will cover best practices in providing IT support for systems, networking, data, architecture, and user support. Topics to be covered will include staff augmentation, internal staffing, cloud utilization (security and continuity benefits), its impact on staffing requirements, CIO/IT Director reporting relationship, union/non-union, and work environment (on premise, hybrid, remote).
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
NACo Cyberattack Simulation: Supplier Management Access
(Monday, June 10-14, 2024, 12:00pm-1:00pm CST)
Effective partner management is integral to the operational efficiency of government business, yet it poses inherent cybersecurity risks, especially concerning partner access to sensitive systems and data. This cyber attack simulation focuses on evaluating the vulnerabilities and potential threats associated with supplier access, aiming to enhance understanding and preparedness in mitigating such risks. The simulation leverages reality-based scenarios involving partner access to critical systems, data, and networks within an organizational context. It will encompass diverse situational conditions, including third-party vendor breaches, unauthorized access via partner credentials, and partner-initiated cyber threats. The simulation aims to foster a deeper comprehension of the complexities surrounding partner access risks and to facilitate the development and testing of robust strategies for mitigating these risks effectively.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
How To Put Out the Fire In Child Care Provider Burnout
(Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 12:00pm-1:00pm CST)
In the U.S., seven in ten child care centers are severely impacted by staff shortages, resulting in their inability to fully enroll children. Administrative and teaching burnout is increasingly driving professionals out of the field, causing economic strain as parents struggle to secure reliable care. Wonderschool, the leading child care company, maintained open doors for 97% of child care programs on its platform during the pandemic, compared to 40% nationwide. Today, Wonderschool is actively investing in innovative county and state solutions to reduce burnout and turnover while fostering new growth and opportunity. During this webinar, Wonderschool will share how it's "putting out the fire" and assisting high-quality child care centers in staying open and enrolling children, enabling parents to confidently return to work with peace of mind. The webinar will also explore how new initiatives like those led by Wonderschool ultimately contribute to economic development, educational opportunity, and community infrastructure.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
Global Connections for Your Local Economy Series #5: Wrap Up Discussion and NACo Resources
(Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 1:00pm-2:00pm CST)
Ever wonder why multinational companies invest billions in some counties, but pass by others? Or what makes the difference between a successful business interaction which results in hundreds or thousands of new jobs, and one that falls flat? If you’re ready to take your county’s economic development to the next level, join the International Economic Development Task Force throughout this Spring for a special virtual training series on how to bring jobs and capital to your community through foreign investment. In this final virtual session, IED Task Force members and guests will have an opportunity to revisit the FDI attraction strategies discussed throughout the series and discuss their preparation for the SelectUSA Investment Summit in an open forum.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
Protected Retirement Solutions for County Employees
(Thursday, June 13, 2024, 1:00pm-2:00pm CST)
Employees are looking to employers for guaranteed income solutions. This workshop will focus on key strategies and solutions available to employees through 457(b) Supplemental Retirement Plans such as the Protected Retirement Solutions suite of investment produc
Employees face an uncertain future, with 79 percent of retirees saying that workers do not know enough about investing to ensure their savings last through retirement and 61 percent that preparing for retirement makes them stressed. Employees also typically find it challenging to calculate precisely how to spend down their retirement savings so that their nest egg lasts as long as they live. Therefore, employees are looking to employers for guaranteed income solutions--three-quarters would roll at least some defined contribution plan savings into a financial product that would guarantee income for life. This workshop will focus on key strategies and solutions available to employees through 457(b) Supplemental Retirement Plans such as the Protected Retirement Solutions suite of investment products.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.

The law firm of Mahoney, Silverman and Cross, LLC strives to provide superior legal representation with the objective of exceeding our clients’ expectations. Each member of our firm is committed to utilizing critical analysis and innovative approaches to achieve timely resolutions with the best possible results for our clients.
More information about Mahoney, Silverman and Cross is available via this link.
Click on this link to learn more about the benefits and opportunities available through ISACo's Corporate Partner Program.
Become an ISACo Member!
Is your county a member of ISACo? If not, why not?
ISACo is a statewide association whose mission is to empower county officials to provide excellent service to their residents.
ISACo member counties are comprised of forward-thinking public servants who recognize that the challenges confronting county governments require new and innovative ideas, collaborative solutions and collective advocacy at the state and federal levels of government.
Members of the association will benefit from education and training opportunities, peer-to-peer networking, shared resources and robust representation before policymakers at various levels of government. ISACo creates and connects county officials to these opportunities and successfully equips them to make counties ideal places to live, work and play.
If your county is interested in discussing membership in ISACo, please contact Member Services and Communication Manager Tiffani Homer at (217) 679-3368 or ISACo member counties are listed here. Thank you for your consideration.